The Benefits of E-Cigarettes and How to Choose a Great Online Supplier


If you’ve been trying to quit the unhealthy vice of smoking cigarettes for some time now, it’s worth your while to take a closer look at the benefits and advantages associated with switching to modernised e-cigs:

  • No More Stink: Due to the fact that e-cigs remove the spectre of harmful tobacco smoke and its corresponding putrid residues, you won’t have to deal with stained, rancid-smelling hands or the overpowering stench that seems to trail behind cigarette smokers everywhere they go.
  • Your Pearly Whites Stay Pearly: The clean e-liquid vapours won’t afflict your teeth with the tar stains and discolouration that are commonplace with cigarette smoke; when you smile, others will smile back!
  • Protect Your Complexion: As we all know, smoking tobacco causes your skin to age, wrinkle, and sag faster than normal, which is why so many people are making the switch to e-cigs as the appetising vapours will not harm your hair or complexion.
  • Revitalise Your Senses: Cigarette smoke has been known to pollute and warp your sense of smell and taste due its highly concentrated toxins. E-liquids can rejuvenate your senses, which effectively allows you to enjoy the foods and aromas that you’re most fond of; you’ll begin noticing improvements in just a few short days after making the switch.
  • Stop Missing Important Moments: You’ll finally be able to avoid the drawbacks of missing recitals, games, movies, and work due to extended smoke breaks. Many employers and public institutions are very accepting of e-cigs, which is a huge boon for anyone trying to get his or her nicotine fix without disturbing the peace.
  • Save a Tonne of Money: Due to various taxes and municipal fees around the world, cigarettes are one of the most expensive vices that a person can engage in. E-cigs, on the other hand, are infinitely more cost-effective as they can slash a smoker’s expenses by upwards of 70% even with heavy, prolonged usage.

How Do I Choose a Reputable Online Supplier?

If you’d like to buy ecig supplies in today’s day and age, it’s worth mentioning that the most affordable products are found online; however, as with any Internet-based purchase, you’ll have to ensure that you’re working with a reputable wholesaler of e-cig equipment:

  • Safe Transactions: First, you should look for the RapidSSL lock and GeoTrust certification to ensure a safe shopping experience. These badges are usually found in the bottom right-hand corner of the supplier’s webpage.
  • Comprehensive Support: For beginners in particular, you’ll want to ensure that your supplier of choice can provide an adequate assortment of learning materials in their “support” tab. From e-cig FAQs and vaping articles to information on orders, returns, and exchanges, you should be able to find all of the information that you need with the simple click of a mouse.
  • Extensive Assortment of Products: From e-cig starter kits and various e-liquid packages to clearomisers and a vast array of vaping accessories, your supplier should represent an inclusive one-stop shop for all of your e-cig needs.
  • Revolving Discount Offers: The best suppliers pride themselves on being able to deliver not only top-notch products but also a cost-effective shopping experience as well. Thus, your online retailer should offer various discount codes and wholesale buying opportunities on a year-round basis.