19 Activities You Can Try To Help You Feel Better And Move On Following Death in The Family


No one is ever really prepared when a loved one passes away. We receive messages of sympathy and memorial gifts (memorial wind chimes, for instance), yet we still feel lonely and longing for the deceased’s presence and company — especially if he or she is a member of the family.

Though the process of grieving follows no strict timetable (it can even be a lifetime experience), there are still ways on how you can cope up, feel better, and continue with your life.

  1. Talk and voice out what you feel. Don’t let your emotions be kept inside. Share your sentiments with your fellow loved ones who are grieving.
  2. Give each family member a sympathy gift. Uplift each other’s feelings and invest in memorial gifts (like memorial wind chimes).
  3. Memorialize the deceased’s memories. Whether it’s a special photo album or a box holding the deceased’s favorite jewelry pieces, you can use tangible things to honor the memories of your loved one.
  4. Create a journal. Be more creative and immortalize your loved one’s memory by crafting a personalized journal.
  5. Write down a letter to the deceased. You can also be more intimate and personal by talking to your loved one through a letter or through poetry.
  6. Work out your family tree. Let all your family members (present and future) know all about the deceased by working on a comprehensive family tree.
  7. Donate to the deceased’s favorite cause. For a more meaningful endeavor, you can donate and give financial aid to the charitable group close to the heart of your loved one who passed away.
  8. Do volunteer work. Go the extra mile and volunteer for different philanthropic organizations.
  9. Go out and engage with nature. Get some fresh air every now and then, and take advantage of nature’s healing power. You can try fishing, surfing, or hiking.
  10. Travel to your dream destination. If you’ve got the resources, tick off an item on your bucket list and explore your dream destination — alone or with your family.
  11. Take art lessons. You can also channel out the intensity of your emotions through different art forms, like painting or dancing.
  12. Sing and jam with a choir. You can also take voice lessons and sing together with choir members. Joining a choir is known to be very beneficial physically and emotionally.
  13. Watch concerts and movies. Having a good dose of entertainment once in a while helps in easing the pains of a grieving person.
  14. Learn a new hobby. Spend your time and busy yourself by learning new skills and making new hobbies.
  15. Go back to the university. If you want a longer diversionary method, you can also choose to study again.
  16. Share a hearty meal with your loved ones. And don’t forget to have a good conversation remembering the deceased’s most beautiful memories.
  17. Gather during special occasions. You can also relive fond memories in more appropriate occasions like the deceased’s birthday and death anniversary.
  18. Invite friends and colleagues over. This helps widen the points of conversation. Plus, it’s a way to keep the deceased’s memories alive in people outside your family.
  19. Spend some “me time”. You can also bring along memorial gifts while at it so you can make your alone time extra intimate and special.

Moving on is not forgetting our dearly departed. Through memorial gifts such as memorial wind chimes, Remember Me Gift help you honor their memories.