This Age-By-Age Guide Will Help You Buy The Appropriate Ride-On Toys


Ride-on toys have great impact on kid’s development. These enable them to enjoy while learning and developing their balance, coordination and physical fitness. It is very beneficial but also risky if the toy is not suitable for them. It is your responsibility to choose and purchase a safe, high quality and appropriate one that is parallel to their age, skills and gender. Be guided by these ideas!

12 to 18 Months

In this stage, kid must use ride-on toy that moves by pushing or using his feet. It is in this level that he learns to walk with little balance; however, they are not capable of using both their feet alternately to push the toy. What he does is to use his feet all together. For your 1-year old kid, purchase best toys for toddlers at and you’ll surely thank us later.

19 to 23 Months

Ride-on toys have varieties of types that also have different unique features. Take note that kidsin this age are easily attracted to special effects of sounds, bright colors and designs, so look for a type of ride on toys having these. Try wagons and rocking horses since these types may lessen the possibility for falling incident. Just make sure the kid’s feet touch the floor as they seat.

2 Years Old

2 years old kid loves a pretend play since this allows him to act and imagine that he can be like police, soldiers and other professionals. You can provide him a ride-on toy that appears realistic due to its design. He can maneuver this type of vehicle since at this age his balance and coordination is improving. Three-wheeled battery-operated ride- on toy is good for them.

3 Years Old

Kid has the ability to pedal under this age. However, three-wheeled or four-wheeled ride-on toy is still recommended since he has not yet fully developed the required skill and balance. Do not let them have a type of toy that uses hand brakes. Foot brakes suit them most. Make sure that he feels comfortable as his seat. It is a must to assure that the size fits in him.

4 to 5 Years Od

Under this age, the interest of a kid to a vehicle is like those that are used by older ones. Mostly, he prefers scooters and bicycles and finds it frustrating to use ride-on toys that are designed for younger ones. They can already manage to use vehicle that doesn’t have training wheels. However, they need supervision since it is in this level that there is high risk of dangers and they are not aware of it.

6 to 8 Years Old

Kid is more aware of the dangers that may happen by playing ride-on toys. He has fully developed his balance and coordination which makes him capable to use hand brakes. He has the ability to operate a moving motorized vehicle, skateboard and scooters.

Your kid deserves the best ride-on toys, so start buying durable push along toys from Tiny Tiny Shop Shop now and give the best childhood experience for your little ones.